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Screenwriter, Director, Educator

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Guest Lecture at Columbia University

September, 2023

I had the pleasure of delivering a guest lecture to second-year MFA Film students a Columbia University's School of Arts in New York on the subject of film sequences (dialogue-driven, action, montages), and I look forward to returning later in the term for a second lecture.


Tin House Writers Workshop

July 2022

Through some unexpected turn of events, I got accepted into the renowned Tin House Writers Workshop under the ever-so-wonderful T Kira Madden. I was so stoked because I was a big fan of her essays and her memoir for some time now.

My workshop mates included brilliant writers: journalists, editors, published or up-and-coming authors, critics, academics, and *ahem* filmmakers. The list of our collective accomplishments gave almost all of us imposter syndrome. We writers are not always good at giving ourselves credit. But by bearing our souls and our secrets on the page, we got to know one another quickly. This collective of human beings is one of a kind: vulnerable, intelligent, supportive, generous, and considerate. Shout out to Tin House for reading our applications so closely and putting us together in one room with the effervescent T Kira. Being in communion with these artists has been an honor of a lifetime.  

Tin House

Kenyon Review Writers Workshop

June 2022

Gambier, OH. I gave my first public reading of a literary non-fiction piece I wrote during the writer's workshop. It was an honor to be among so many distinguished artists. A nerve-wracking experience, but I belonged.

I have written about things I never thought I'd revisit and experimented with shapes and time warps that I didn't know existed. The creative process is a perplexing mind-pretzel, full of magic and insight. I've loved every minute of this week (minus the tornado, though even that proved to be an event rife for stories). 

Kenyon Review Reading

New Projects Cooking

April, 2022

Let's just say that I am coming out of movie/TV hibernation and have some exciting projects in the pipeline. 

1. Docu-series in planning stages

2. Documentary in pitch mode

3. TV Series in development with a major production company

Why the secrecy? Well, if I have learned anything about Hollywood, it's that these things sometimes (or actually often times!) vanish into thin air. I've been around the block, so let's just wait til there are official announcements. Until then, know that I am really happy on the cinema front! 

BTS of Doc

AWP Writers' Conference

March 23-26, 2022

Celebrating my entry into the world of literature and prose writing, I attended the AWP Writers' Conference, this year in Philadelphia, for the first time. I am honored to join yet another talented cohort of writers, and look forward to publishing my first prose pieces soon!


Kenyon Review Writers Workshop

January 26, 2022

I am pleased to announce that I have been accepted into the prestigious Kenyon Review Writers Workshop for Creative Nonfiction in Gambier, OH. This summer, I will be studying under Dinty W. Moore, founder of Brevity Magazine. Will get my flash on for the first time! Hooray!

Ps.: I love Kenyon Review's Lit Journal and hope to publish something with them someday. Keep your pens crossed!

Kenyon Review

Snakehead - Movie Available Now!

October 29, 2021

Evan Jackson Leong's feature film Snakehead is now available on streaming services. My husband Brian Yang produced, which means I lurked somewhere in the background lending my support on set and in the story and editing department. Please watch and enjoy!

Snakehead Red Carpet

Second-Time Mama

August, 2021

We welcomed a second daughter into this world amidst a global pandemic. Life is fodder full of extremes. My intentions now are to incorporate parenting narratives in my art and to destigmatize and demystify motherhood. With my pen and my camera.

Pregnant Selfie

Audience Choice Award at AAIFF

July  30, 2017

I CAN I WILL I DID won the Audience Choice Award in New York! Thank you to all of you who voted! What a great honor.


Sunscreen Film Festival Awards

April 29, 2017

What a whirlwind weekend! Punch drunk with love at the Sunscreen Film Festival in St Petersberg, FL. Our movie won Best Feature Film and Selenis Leyva ("Orange is the New Black") won Best Supporting Actress!!!

Awards with Selenis Leyva
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Featured Project

The Story:

Depressed foster youth Ben is bullied and as a result gets into a car accident. His recovery process is slow, until he meets Adrienne, a wheelchair user and fellow patient at the hospital who breathes hope into his life and introduces to him her grandfather, Taekwondo Master Kang. Kang not only teaches him how to walk and get back up on his feet, but also how to take charge of his own life. Ben ultimately learns how to face his inner demons.

Mike Faist
Selenis Leyva
Ik Jo Kang
Ellie Lee
Jack DiFalco

Written and Directed


Nadine Truong

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Represented by
Brio Entertainment (Mia Chang & Brehan Fitzgerald)

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